The fallow land is ploughed | The seed is sown and weeded | The maize plants emerge |
Plants growing tall | Cobs on mature plants | Ready for the picking |
The crop is harvested | Sackloads of Maize cobs | Maize is cooked or milled |
The NLF staff were so encouraged by the success of the Maize crop (biggest crop ever) that they began sowing Chilli plants on 6 acres of land. An electric water pump has been purchased by a New Zealand donor and the crop is well under way. They already have a buyer for the crop once it is harvested.
A water bore is drilled and a storage tank erected. | The Chilli is planted on the ploughed field | The small plants take root. |
The Chilli plants grow to full size | The Chilli is ready to harvest | The harvested and ripe Chill |
Along with the Chilli project, NLF has also planted and harvested a large crop of tomatoes