
New Life Foundation is involved with and supports the following organisations:


4/14 Ministry

The mission statement of the 4/14 Window Movement is “to raise-up a new generation from the 4/14 Window to transform the world for Christ.” The 4/14 Window refers to all children between the ages of 4 to 14. During this decade or “window,” most children in this demographic develop their moral and spiritual foundations.


Fountain of Grace

Fountain of Grace (FOG) is a ministry located in Machame, Tanzania on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. FOG’s focus is to help those that are in relationship with God, find repose and recovery and to receive renewal and revelation. FOG desires to see God Revealed and Christ Exalted (GRACE).  FOG’s vision includes having a Christian retreat and conference center, a 24/7 House of Prayer, coffee shop and more. Currently FOG is in its foundational stages of  ministry and conducts retreats for pastors and leaders of Tanzania.

Kids In Ministry International

KIMI educates parents, pastors, church leaders and children's church workers of the crisis facing our children and young people because of our lack of understanding of what they need and want in their spiritual lives. KMI shares what God is doing in children around the world through signs, wonders, and miracles and helps leaders and parents release their children into the supernatural works of Jesus.